Red Osier Dogwood

(Cornus sericea)

Other Information

Physical Characteristics

Type: Shrub

Height: 6 - 12 ft

Spread: 5 - 10 ft

Flower Color: White / Cream

Flower Time: Late Spring (May - Jun)

Fruit Type: Drupe (Berry)

Fruit Color: White

Autumn Color: Red / Purple

Sun Conditions: Full Sun / Part Shade

Shade Tolerance: Low

Moisture Preference: Medium / High

Deer Resistance*: Medium

Dog Safe**: Yes

Conservation Status (MD): SNR - Unranked

Other Names: Red Stem Dogwood, Cornus stolonifera

*Deer resistance can vary based on many factors

**Always consult with a veterinarian about plants toxic to dogs and other animals

Wildlife Benefits:

Red Osier Dogwood flowers are a pollen and nectar source for various pollinators. It is a larval host for 111 species of caterpillars including the Spring Azure butterfly. Berries are eaten by a variety of wildlife including many song and game birds along with mammals. Plants provide cover for wildlife and nest sites for birds. Beavers can use stems in dam constuction.

Plants similar to Red Osier Dogwood: